About me ![]() My name is Jan Rosecky and I was born in 1985 and I soon became interested in trucks. I started with truck models in about 1998 and my first kit I built was the Italeri 144L 530 Topline Scania (Scania? Shame on me!) Building the truck models became a real passion for me and as there were no local modellers I knew in Czech I soon got in touch with people abroad. There two names I have to mention and these are Igor Hakszer (Slovakia) and Günter Bönisch (Germany). These two gentlemen brought me into the beautiful world of truck models. Günter being so patient to answer all my inquisitive questions and Igor did a great thing and brought me to my first On the road model Jabbeke show back in 2003 (Damn, that's almost 12 years now!). I met many great people there and got in touch with many great people - too many to name! It took me years do develop some skills of course and I met many people doing the same here during the years in Czech so I started meeting with them on local shows and meetings. Finally, we set up a club called Czech truck model team and visited many great model shows together. I have to mention the Modell Truck Mania in Poland which was a great event and people there were very friendly and of course both the Jabbeke and recently also the Gaydon shows. As i went further into details, I suddenly found out that I cannot build models as detailed as I'd wish because there is a range of accessories missing on the market. That was a start of the CTM when me and few of my friends got together and set up a company providing what was missing in our hobby. We started as three and we are now two men running the CTM and we do so in our free time. Outside of the scale model truck world I work as a design engineer. I do design engineering job on engine and transmission projects for the most of my time. I do love real trucks, I used to work as a truck driver when I was at the university and I have a few full scale oldtimer trucks of which the most interesting are my 1982 Liaz 100.47 (fully working now) and my 1977 Volvo F89-32 6x2 which is now being restored. I do love trucks and all the engineering stuff around them so that's why I love going into details on my models, engines especially but I must admit that I am making it quite difficult to me and I often feel need for building something less complicated however it usually ends up in the same situation. Once I cut into plastic, it must be nearly perfect. I preffer old trucks...let's say Europe 1950's till mid 80's but don't mind building something outside of this era and continent from time to time... If you would like to get in touch with me, send me and email to nedlloyd(at)seznam.cz |
"modely kamionů - Jan Rosecký" |